Central Working: Changing how you work

Central-Workings-Banner-Image Banner-Image

Central Working: Changing how you work

In 2016, the international work-space provider, Central Working went through a massive investor-funded rebranding and expansion. With a better understanding of the company’s direction, it became clear that their website no longer communicated its values. Customers were choosing Central Working because of the connections and premium services it offered, rather than just office space. It fell to us to give a new form to the company’s newly clarified values.

The outcome


increase in page views


increase in membership applications


increase in engagement

Starting at the start

Having got to know the company, we started on the challenging (but fun!) task of finding the right words and creating the right visual aesthetic for a homepage that helps customers understand the key values of the company - flexibility, care and encouragement.

Central Working  Homepage

Find your club

Central Working "Find you club" section

Making every city shine

It might seem trivial, but choosing the right information and photos for a location index is crucial to pique people’s interest. For the soon-to-be-opened and international locations we designed a set of landmark-based icons.

City Icons

What each location has to offer

Central Working Welcome to Bloomsbury

And what it has to say

Each of Central Working’s locations has its own vibe. Our aim was to channel the true character of each space through conversations with the members and location managers. Coupled with beautiful, representative photography, carefully taken in close collaboration with the talented photographer Lou Adby.

Central Working local areas

A seamless experience across devices

Central working mobile designs

Helping with collateral

We dedicated time to getting to know the company and its people, so when the opportunity arose to work on their printed collateral, we were happy to help.

Central Working Collateral

Featured work

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DoctorLink: Setting up a Design System

DoctorLink partnered with YLD to help redesign the user interface and improve upon the UX framework of their cross-platform product. This eventually evolved into the creation of a Design System and the introduction of DesignOps resulting in a cultural shift in their organisation.

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Application awareness for Joyent


Application awareness for Joyent

We created an application management platform that incorporates Joyent’s cloud infrastructure service and application orchestration software, ContainerPilot.

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Canon: giving stories a new form

We built a three-dimensional VR product, that created a new way to experience photographs, and the memories connected to them.

Find us

London - HQ

9 Dallington Street



+44(0) 203 514 4678



Rua Ramalho Ortigão 8

3º Esquerdo




Rua Sá da Bandeira 819

2º Esquerdo

