User Research

Innovation isn’t about doing things differently, it’s about meaningful change. And understanding customers is the key. We combine quantitative and qualitative research methods to build an in-depth understanding of your customers to inform strategic decisions.

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Why User Research?

Optimise resources

By conducting interviews and observations instead of costly large-scale surveys we gather actionable insights, making smart use of resources. 

Unveil new opportunities

Knowing your audience and their context may suggest uncharted moments on their quotidien where your brand could build and deliver value.  

Solve problems that matter

Understanding your product or service from the users’ perspective helps us focus on the aspects that positively impact them the most. 

User Research
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How do we do User Research?

Building empathy for your audience helps us to help you understand how they feel, think and make decisions. This familiarity ensures your product or service is meticulously tailored to its users.

We combine multiple methods and adapt them to each project, improving them constantly. Some of the most broadly known user research methods we use are:

  • Interviews

  • Ethnographic research

  • Observations

  • Personas

  • Defining extreme users

  • User journeys

  • User flows

  • Context mapping

  • Stakeholder workshops

  • Co-creation sessions

  • User journals

By analysing results in teams, we build a basis of objective knowledge owned by multiple stakeholders that supports alignment and future decision-making.

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Upcoming User Research events

It looks like there currently aren’t any upcoming User Research events. You can always check back again later or get in touch if you are interested in potentially hosting one.

Blog posts

User Research articles created by members of YLD for the community.

Find us

London - HQ

9 Dallington Street



+44(0) 203 514 4678


Rua Ramalho Ortigão 8

3º Esquerdo




Rua Sá da Bandeira 819

2º Esquerdo

