DevOps Culture

DevOps is about breaking down the barriers between Developers and Operations while optimising the delivery of value to customers and to your business. It’s the driving force of building, running and maintaining software in production.

DevOps v2

Why use DevOps?

Close collaboration

Tightening the collaboration between Developers and Operations provides a shared goal, that immediately improves the delivery of value both externally and internally.

Shared understanding

DevOps brings streamlining Developer mindsets like automation and testing into the infrastructure.

Improved communication

The culture of communication removes the pitfalls of working in silos and improves communication across the whole of the engineering team.

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Upcoming DevOps Culture events

It looks like there currently aren’t any upcoming DevOps Culture events. You can always check back again later or get in touch if you are interested in potentially hosting one.

Blog posts

DevOps Culture articles created by members of YLD for the community.

Find us

London - HQ

9 Dallington Street



+44(0) 203 514 4678


Rua Ramalho Ortigão 8

3º Esquerdo




Rua Sá da Bandeira 819

2º Esquerdo

